Monday, May 18, 2009

It's been a long time...

A lot has happened lately in our lives.

In April Eric graduated from BYU-Idaho. It was fun because both of our parents came up for the graduation/ helping us move.

Then we stopped in Vegas for a couple of days to hang out with Eric's family. Let's just say I have a bingo addiction now, not a big deal.

Jessica's face says it all: We did not win, but it was a lot of fun.

So we moved back down to Manhattan Beach and are living in the "La Casita." I worked for the Revlon Run/Walk for a couple of weeks. It was great because Kristin came down for the weekend, along with the wonderful Rice girls.

Eric and I are really excited to be down in LA and have a lot of adventures planned for the summer. Other good news, I had a miracle today and found my wedding ring!

1 comment:

Boren Family said...

Yay for the wedding ring! Also, lets get our bingo on when you guys come this weekend :)